Photoautotrophic (sugar-free medium) Micropropagation as a New Micropropagation and Transplant Production
edited by T. Kozai, F. Afreen and S. M. A. Zobayed.

Springer editions
315 pages
Somente em inglês

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Introduction, Units and terminology use for the studies photoautotrophic micropropagation, Concepts, definitions, ventilation methods, advantages and disadvantages, In vitro aerial environments and their effects on growth and development of plants, in vitro root zone environments and their effects on growth and development of plants; Physiological and anatomical characteristics of in vitro photoautotrophic plants, Photoautotrophic plant conversion in the process of somatic embryogenesis, Photoautotrophic micropropagtion of woody species, Ventilation in micropropagation, A commercialized photoautotrophic micropropagation system using large vessels with forced ventilation, Low temperature storage of plants under dim light, Modeling and simulation for production planning in photoautotrophic micropropagation, Frequently asked questions, Plant species successfully micrpropagated photoautotrophic, Reconsideration of conventional micropropagation systems, Closed systems with lamps for high quality transplant production at low costs using minimum resources, Concluding remarks.