Florida Orchid Growing
Martin Motes

Book in English
23 x 15
195 pages

Price: not availabel for exportation except for South America.

Book autographed by the author.
Martin Motes, a native Floridian, has been growing orchids south of Miami for over fifty years, man and boy. His guidance and advice com from a deep knowledge and practical experience of the local, subtropical world. Monthly guides lead the aspiring orchidist through the intricacies of the changing climate and growing conditions of the Florida year: its benefits and its dangers. Practical solutions to problems and to control and prevention of pests and diseases are offered. Growing material and tools are suggested and their local sources are provided.
His has hybrids which have received FCC e 3 Awards of Quality by American Orchid Society.
Contents: Orchid Culture in Florida, Monthly culture and climate notes, Weather, Cultural Practices, Disease and Pest Control, Sources and Further Information