There are many Brazilian bookstores, but none specialize in orchid books, so Fina Orquídea Distribuidora de Livros was born with the idea of being a place where authors and orchidists can meet.
Authors can use it to sell their work to a specialist audience and orchidists can use it to find literature specific to orchids.
We intend to deal with both new and used books, so readers can have a place to look for the works they are interested in, and where they can sell books of which they have a duplicate copy, or just want to sell.
Little by little, extra titles will be added, with the aim of turning this web site into your primary source for purchasing orchid publications.
If you have an orchid book which you want to sell, please contact us and we will try to help you.
Welcome to the site. We hope your visit will be fruitful.

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