Brazilian Orchids
Kleber Lacerda, Francisco Miranda, Erico Machado, Cleber Santos, Waldyr Endsfeldz, Akira Hirasawa, Heitor Gloeden, Moriichi Kameyama.

Hardcover - jacket
English and Japanese
348 pages
Sodo Publishing

Not available

Price (outside Brazil):

Richly illustrated book, covering the following subjects:
Amazon "Discover of New Species and Extinction " Great Tropoical rain forest - Plant Sanctuary (Kleber Lacerda 112 pages),
Orchids' map over the continent - From the coast across the mountains, deep into savanna (Francisco Miranda- 116 pages), Wonders beyond 2.000 km Cattleya labiata and warneri: their separate habitat (Erico Machado),
Research on Cattleya walkeriana in my home region. From Itauna city in the State of Minas Gerais (Cleber Santos ),
Sophronitis a Little Gem of Brazil (Waldyr Endsfeldz ),
Classification of purpurata e intermedia (Akira Hirasawa),
Life and Passion devoted to Orchids - My days of travel across the country (Heitor Gloeden),
Moriichi Kameyama.